Child Labour in Industries

Child Labour in Industries and Role of National Human Rights Commission


Its duty of every individual to secure and protect human rights and the right flows from duties. It is responsibility of the business enterprises to secure the rights of children working in their industry and they must protect the rights of children.

In many trades they do encroach human rights as well as do not pay adequate consideration to the chances that are uncovered to child working in their industry. It is the duty of the industry to maintain a strategic distance from the encroachment of human rights. They must embrace the extra safeguards for the security of the workers and children. ThereforeUN Countries did elaborate on the rights of indigenous people: national or ethnic, children, and their families, devout and linguistic, individuals with disabilities, migrant worker and women. The concerns relating to Human Rights, Environment and health have expanded within the past a few decades. 

“Man has the fundamental right to freedomequality and adequate conditions of life, in an environment of a quality which permits a life of dignity and well-being”.

The International Covenant on Social, Economic and Cultural Rights which ensures the Right to Secure and Healthy working conditions with safety.

The Right to Health Given under Article 12 of the Covenant explicitly calls on the states to require steps for- The improvement of all aspects of environmental and industrial hygiene. The anticipation, treatment and control of endemic, epidemic and other diseases.

Section 40 of the Mines Act, 1952- states that no individual underneath 18 years age should be permitted to work in any mine. The Children’s Rights and Business principle covers all kinds of business. The rule with respect to the mining segments states- Principle 1– Meet their obligation in regard to children’s rights and commit to supporting the human rights of children. All companies, notwithstanding their sectors, have an obligation to respect human rights, including the rights of children.

Guideline 2– Contribute to the elimination of child labour, including all business exercises and relationships, large-scale industries don't usually employ children. Be that as it may, it is conceivable for large-scale mining to be connected with child labour through the supply chain, especially amid development and constructions, and through links to artisanal mining that employs child labour. Children’s rights have been articulated independently within the UN Nation Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) in order to ensure the interface of the child and makes sure that children’s are not yielded within the intrigued of the bigger community.


Role of National Human Rights Commission:

Commission’s first concern is the arrangement of free and compulsory education for children up to the age of 14 year, the commission in the landmark judgment conveyed by the Supreme Court of India on 10th Dec, 1996; within the summons request no: 465/1986 (respectful case), M.C. Mehta v. State of Tamil Nadu and Ors, and the commission guaranteed that the directions given within the judgment were implemented. The individuals and the commission made beyond any doubt that child work isn't predominant, and to be observed by the states as well.

An appropriate execution on welfare must be made for children by the concerned authorities. NGO can play a crucial part in restoration of child labourers. Media continuously plays a critical part to form mindfulness laws.

Dr Poornima Surve
Nov. 14, 2022, 6:38 p.m.